A Study on the Oppression of the Korean Sports Activities Under the Japanese Rule, 1910∼1945 일제하(日帝下)의 체육운동(體育運動) 탄압상(彈壓相)에 대(對)한 고찰(考察)
10(0) 3-14, 1975
A Study on the Oppression of the Korean Sports Activities Under the Japanese Rule, 1910∼1945 일제하(日帝下)의 체육운동(體育運動) 탄압상(彈壓相)에 대(對)한 고찰(考察)
For 36 years from the day of her annexation to Japan the 29th of August in 1910 until the day of liberation on the 15th of August in Korean peaple underwent various sufferings by Japanese. Discrimination and suppressions were done by them in an attempt to erase the Korean spirits.
Every available datum was collected through reviewing literatures such as official gazzets, news, pepers, and documents concerning physical education curriculum published during that period. The following four items were especially under intensive study in analyzing the data.
1. Colonzing effort by millitary force and oppressing Korean sports activities.
2. The nation’s awakening and organizing sports activities.
3. Direction of millitarism and control of sports, activities.
4. Establishment of wartime system and its transfiguration, and oppressing of sports activities organization
Results of analysis indicated that the Japanese government organized the' Developmental Association for Korea Spurts Activity as a control agency. All sports activities were put under tight control with the slogan that sports activity is a national project. Since then millitary games such as Increasing Millitary Games and Millitary Play, per termed instead of sports activicies. That period of time could be said to be an age of darkness in the feld of sports is Korea.
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아령운동시(啞鈴運動時)에 있어서의 근전도(筋電圖) 연구(硏究)
10(0) 15-26, 1975
아령운동시(啞鈴運動時)에 있어서의 근전도(筋電圖) 연구(硏究)
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A Study on Determination of Norm about Physical Fitness and on Correlationships among the Factors 기초체력(基礎體力)의 기준(基準)결정 및 각(各) 요인별(要因別) 상관(相關)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (체육과학(體育科學) 입시(入試) 실기고사(實技考査)를 중심(中心)으로)
高興煥H.H.Koh , 黃寅勝I.S.Hwang
10(0) 27-35, 1975
A Study on Determination of Norm about Physical Fitness and on Correlationships among the Factors 기초체력(基礎體力)의 기준(基準)결정 및 각(各) 요인별(要因別) 상관(相關)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (체육과학(體育科學) 입시(入試) 실기고사(實技考査)를 중심(中心)으로)
高興煥H.H.Koh , 黃寅勝I.S.Hwang
In administering 107 boys among applicant for admission to physical education department of Yon Sei University in 1975, physical fitness test was measured in order to prepare norm of basic physical fitness for the purpose of practical application in physical fitness test for next entrance examination and in order to acquire basic data in physical education research from the correlationships among the factors.
subjects were tasted (1) burpee test (2) shuttle run (3) 100m dash (4) verical jump (5) standing broad Jump (6) grip sterngth (7) leg lift (8) Pull-ups (9) 1,000m run.
Within the limitations of the study the following conclusions were reached.
1. norm of basic physical fitness illustrated at Figure IV-I
2. The correlationships between factors
1) There were sufficiently correlated between standing broad jump and vertical jump. (r=0.55).
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RELATIONSHIP OF SELECTED TESTS OF LEG STRENGTH AND LEG POWER ON COLLEGE MEN 대학생(大學生)의 각력(脚力)과 각순발력(脚瞬發力) 검정(檢定)의 상호(相互) 관계(關係)
10(0) 37-46, 1975
RELATIONSHIP OF SELECTED TESTS OF LEG STRENGTH AND LEG POWER ON COLLEGE MEN 대학생(大學生)의 각력(脚力)과 각순발력(脚瞬發力) 검정(檢定)의 상호(相互) 관계(關係)
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The Evaluation of National Volley Ball Team's Physical Status (Male) and the Prescription for Its Training 전문체력평가(專門體力平價) 및 훈련처방(訓練處方) - 남자배구(男子排球) 국가선수(國家選手)를 중심(中心)으로 -
10(0) 47-55, 1975
The Evaluation of National Volley Ball Team's Physical Status (Male) and the Prescription for Its Training 전문체력평가(專門體力平價) 및 훈련처방(訓練處方) - 남자배구(男子排球) 국가선수(國家選手)를 중심(中心)으로 -
The purpose of this paper is to find out the shortcomings of Korean national volley ball players in their physical structure and ability status, and to manipulate the Training methods by which to compensate for the gap existing between Korean players and Japanese, so that the level of the former may be raised up to that of the latter which is recognized as the highest in the world
To attain this purpose, the physical ability and the structural status of both national players have been compared with each other in their points strong and weak.
1. As to the physical structure:
As a whole, Japanese are superior to Korean in all respects, but Korean are younger than Japanese by 2 years and 3 months.
2. As to the physical ability status:
a. Korean are superior in these points, Back Strength 18.1㎏, Grip Stregth left 4.0㎏, Trunk flexion 2.2㎝, and Harvard Step Test 4.65 index.
b. Japanese are superior in the following points, Grip Strength Right 1.2㎏, 3 Times Jump 92㎝, Sargent Jump 5.6㎝, 20m Dash 0.2sec, Basket Ball Throwing 8.25m, Side Step 15.5point, Shuttle Run (9mx3) 0.3sec, Rolling 2.4 sec. Trunk Hyperextension 11.5㎝, and Hand Stand 29sec.
3. To compensate for the above-mentioned shortco mings we have adopted the training methods as listed in the following table-9.
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체격(體格)이 체력장(體力章) 성적(成績)에 미치는 영향(影響) (여고생(女高生)을 중심(中心)으로)
10(0) 57-69, 1975
체격(體格)이 체력장(體力章) 성적(成績)에 미치는 영향(影響) (여고생(女高生)을 중심(中心)으로)
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A study on the Physical Fitness for Hand Ball Players Hand Ball 선수(選手)의 전문체력(專門體力)에 관(關)한 일연구(一硏究)
10(0) 71-77, 1975
A study on the Physical Fitness for Hand Ball Players Hand Ball 선수(選手)의 전문체력(專門體力)에 관(關)한 일연구(一硏究)
Comparing top players of the Hand Ball, Bastet Ball and Foot Ball, on at the university in our country with either, his paper is to offer the data which will make preparations for training in future by investgating the Hand Ball palyers deficiency in every factors of physique status and motor ability.
After due consideration, we have selected the Basket Ball and the Foot Ball players because their acivites are so similar to those of the Hand Ball players in the game pattern. As the game of the Basket Ball and Foot Ball are that of the considerable levels, the aim of this study is that the Hand Ball player are expected to have at least the same physiqe status and motor ability as those of the Basket Ball and the Foot Ball players.
(1) In the physique status
Though the Basket Ball players are superior to the Hand Ball players in all parts of the body except the girth of the chest, and Hand Ball players are superior to the Foot Ball players all items.
(2) In the Motor Ability
(a) The Hand Ball players are superior to the Basket Ball players in Reaction Speed(Tone Stimulus) 0.016/sec, 30 M Dash 0.06/sec, and Rotary Arm Motion Analysis 0.009/sec. They are also superior to the Foot Ball players in all items.
(b) The Basket Ball players are superior to the Hand Ball players in Reaction Speed(light stimulus) 0.026/sec, Reading Reaction speed(Forward=0.004/sec, Backward=0.149/sec, left side=0.019/sec, Right side=0.061/sec) and the Mean Index of the Harvard Step Test(11.6).
(c) But in comparing with the "Rumanian" players, our Hand Ball players are so lacking in their motor ability that it is necessary to be in force the training for the development of the Hand Ball player’s physical fitness.
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Study on the Importance of the Physical Education in School and that on the Types of Guidance of Leaders 학교체육교육(學校體育敎育)의 중요성(重要性)과 지도자(指導者)의 지도형태(指導形態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
10(0) 79-83, 1975
Study on the Importance of the Physical Education in School and that on the Types of Guidance of Leaders 학교체육교육(學校體育敎育)의 중요성(重要性)과 지도자(指導者)의 지도형태(指導形態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
In order to become a come a competent lewder of school physical education, the following articles should be observed.
(1) Among three types of leader for guiding physical education, the second and the third type should be prefered.
(2) When the students are evaluated, emphasis should be put on the effort exerted by them rater than on their skills.
(3) Students should be guided in such a way so that they are aware of the fact that a failure Sometimes is as valuable as a success.
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林容圭Y.K.LIM , 金鍾勲J.H.KIM
10(0) 85-97, 1975
林容圭Y.K.LIM , 金鍾勲J.H.KIM
1. Purpose
The flat serve motion in technics of tennis was studied very carefully through the "Vibration chrono cycle graph method", especially by measuring the distance of horizental movement and the high and low tossing in each joint, in order to explains the reason why the flat serve is so diffecult technically.
2. Procedures
1) Sample
The five persons selected for the test of this study were similar to each other in physique. Two were beginners who had not learned how to play tennis, two were the middle class and the remaining one was a high class player.
2) Period of Test
From 1st, May 1974 to 30th, November, 1974.
3. Method of Test
When I stick neon tube on examinee’s Wrist, Elbow, Shoulder, Waist, Knee, Right toe, Left toe and Racket’s top, it flickers at the intervals of 0.05/sec when the examinee takes the flat serve motion.
Each neon tube on each part of body draws a locus.
And then I took a photograph of the flat serve motion from a dark room with camera at the angle of ninety degrees, keeping 6.5 meter from the right side of examinees with the height of one meter above the ground.
Such test was repeated twenty times for each person’s serve motion in the ame manner that I could be get twenty shots of each person.
I chose one shot as a sample from each person and put it in to slide projector, and examined it’s actual size so that it may be analysed on glass top tracing table.
4. The results were as follows:
1) The distance of horizontal movement of each joint.
(1) All the persons put to the test will more the upper part of their bodies longly making their waist as it axis of removal, and also having the lower part of motioned shortly and holizontally; especilly taking more wrist in the length of 22㎝, elbow of 20㎝, shoulder of 24㎝ for the examinee A than E, and move horizontally to lessen racket’s top taking the racket’s top in the length of 15㎝, waist of 14㎝, Knee of 23㎝ right toe of 75㎝ each.
(2) In the motion of left toe the examinee B could remove his toe. in 68㎝ and this means that. the removal made the big defference from others moved in 10㎝. But it could be find out that, in, such case, if it would be hoped to keep left toe as the racket swing, the removal must be done in the length of 10㎝; and that such long movement of examinee B likely to fail in serve motion.
(3) I should like, in this case, to in terpret that examinee E had his toe moved shortly and horizontally in 23㎝, 16㎝, 16㎝, less than examinee B, C and D, and the former could remove very rapidly and horizontally immediately after the impact.
2) The high and low tossing of each joint.
(1) It reaffirmed that it was an established theory that examined E could remove so rapidly that he could have his right toe moved in 165㎝ at the speed of 0.45/sec and 0.5/sec at the moment of impact of racket’s top while examinee A would become more profitable of the removlal of 107㎝ in the length if he was in the time of the impact of racket’s top.
(2) When examinee E mark the ball he world have his own elbow playing the important part in doing so; and he would become to swing mose highly in 28㎝ than examinee A for the playing and also would be gook player.
(3) At the time examinee D and E showed the racket was at the high of itself, namely an the high of 29㎝, and A and B was 3㎝ together; And as waist would become to play the important part in putting up the lower part of body it must be taken as narrowly in width and highly as possible at the moment of the impact.
(4) It was recognized that the upward movement had been motioned highly and forwardly while all the joints shoulds be moved not longly.
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The Method of Improving the Records of Middle Distance Races 중거리 경기의 기록향상법
10(0) 99-118, 1975
The Method of Improving the Records of Middle Distance Races 중거리 경기의 기록향상법
The ideal medium-distance runner has to have speed and endurance as well as strong developed muscles, a string heart and likewise strong lungs. Also, the body have great elasticity with a firm suppleness and uniform stride. He should not be too corpulent, and should possess a physical fitness, and strong constitution necessary for such hard exrtion experienced in racing.
The necessary basic skills for medium-distance running are as follows; in a meet, while racing, it is necessary for the runner to conserve his energy and all the moving parts of the body and its muscles should be relaxed and used to their utmost.
It is also necessary to keep up one’s best form at all time. If one’s form is not kept in perfect shape at all time, it goes without saying, that it will quickly dissipate. The basic laws of medium distance racing, moreso than long-distance racing, shows that the sprint is more important and needs to be developed. The medium-distance runner depends very much on the long stride however. Even with the long stride, in today’s racing competition, running with a very fast pitch is very important.
In order to improve the records of middle distance races, the followings were studied:
1. General principles of running and the method of aquiring the running technique.
2. The training method of middle distance races.
3. Training program during the year.
4. Tactics of the races.
5. Adequate subsidiary exercies to middle distance races.